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How to Create Compelling Email Signatures and Letter Taglines to Boost Your Business

Create compelling emails | omnichannel marketing with

What number of emails do you send every day? You might miss out on an easy and cheap way to sell your business. Don't spend any money to advertise your business to a very specific group of people; use your email greeting line instead.

If your email header line only has your name and contact information, you're missing out on advertising to people who have chosen to receive emails from you. These people are important parts of your unofficial network for business. Your signature line is a great, unobtrusive place to make a unique sales pitch.

Strategies for Success

Try these tactics to turn your “sign-offs” into sales:

  • Highlight what your company offers

  • Offer an incentive for recipients to take a specified action

  • Use the associated web address for the incentive if it’s also on your site

  • Give better visual positioning to the promotion rather than contact info

  • Play with eye-catching fonts and colors

  • Use less than 64 characters/line so words don’t wrap to a new line

  • Write a “signature” for different categories of recipients

  • Change your signature copy frequently

  • Never miss a chance to get your product or company noticed

Standing Out in Your Letters

A letter they send out is something else many business owners don't think about. People just accept them as a way to solve a problem or meet a need. If you want to use the email idea in all of your mail, you can do that. Just add a line at the end of page 1 on the company letterhead

Crafting Your Message

This can be seen in the phrase "Good to the last drop," which of course means Maxwell House Coffee. It's KFC chicken that's "finger-lickin' good," etc. You understand what I mean. Change this around until you find a pearl that is just right for you. If this idea doesn't work for your business or service, use a "membership" tag line to boost your reputation instead.

Embracing Creativity

Today, to be an entrepreneur, you must be creative and develop new ideas to beat the "big boys" on the block. Everyone who wants to be an entrepreneur should read about P.T. Barnum's life to learn more about a great one. It's not always the great dollar that gets our business the best ads. Sometimes, it's the best IDEA that makes you stand out.


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